When a foundation is damaged, the home may start sinking, settling, or shifting. These developments can cause cracks in the walls, jammed windows and doors, and other problems.

To address these problems, homeowners can choose from several solutions. The permanence of these repairs depends on a number of factors. Contact Plano Foundation Repair for professional help.
Some foundation cracks are “normal,” but others may be a sign of structural issues that require professional attention. In particular, horizontal or jagged diagonal cracks suggest uneven (or differential) settling of the home and can lead to serious problems such as bowing walls or water intrusion. Gaps that widen or lengthen also indicate problems that need to be addressed.
Most of the cracking in foundations is caused by soil expansion and contraction, which puts a great deal of stress on concrete foundation walls. The problem is exacerbated by moisture, as the soil expands when wet and contracts when dry. Managing moisture levels and making sure the soil is well-drained around the foundation can help prevent cracking.
Cracks in the foundation can also be a result of natural seismic activity. While these events are rare in Ohio, they can cause tremors and earthquakes that move the soil stratum on which your house is built, and therefore damage the foundation.
The first thing you should do if you notice any cracking is to take a close look at it. A foundation repair company can inspect your foundation and determine the best way to fix it. Typically, the crack will be repaired using hydraulic cement. Before patching the crack, you will need to clean out the area of loose bits of concrete and dirt and clear out any dust or debris. It is important to wear safety glasses and a face mask when doing this. Concrete and cement can chip, and it is easy to get dust in your eyes or lungs.
You can attempt to repair cracks in the foundation yourself, but it is usually better to leave this task to a professional. A professional contractor can use specialized equipment to inject a chemical into the crack, which expands and fills it. This helps to seal the crack and prevent further movement of the foundation and reduces the likelihood of future leaks.
A professional will also make sure that the soil around the foundation is sloped away from the house to drain water properly. They will also install gutters to ensure that rainwater is directed away from the foundation, which will further protect it.
Water intrusion
Water intrusion is a serious problem because it can compromise the structural integrity of your home or business and lead to more costly repairs. The problem arises because concrete is porous and can absorb water easily. This leads to hydrostatic pressure building up against the foundation. This pressure can cause cracks in the foundation walls that range from hairline fractures to significant gaps. These cracks allow small amounts of water to seep into your home or business and weaken the structure over time.
Typically, you can tell that your foundation has been affected by water intrusion when you notice discoloration on the foundation wall surfaces. This is known as efflorescence and is caused by the evaporation of water containing dissolved minerals. It is often found on exterior foundation walls, although it can also appear inside the house as well. Seeing this sign of water intrusion should alert you to the need for professional inspection and foundation repair.
The best way to prevent water intrusion into your foundation is to have a drain tile system installed around the perimeter of your foundation. This system will ensure that soil stays as dry as possible, which will keep hydrostatic pressure from building up against the foundation and seeping in through cracks.
Another great way to reduce the chances of water intrusion is to have a waterproofing system installed for your entire building. These systems can be both interior and exterior and will help to ensure that your foundation is completely protected from moisture.
While you can use hydraulic cement for a temporary fix, it is best to get a professional foundation contractor to dig down and repair the crack. This will keep the problem from resurfacing and prevent further damage to your foundation and property.
In addition to preventing water intrusion, a professional foundation repair company will be able to determine the source of your problem and correct it. This may include repairing plumbing leaks, ensuring that gutters and downspouts are properly connected to your foundation, and correcting drainage problems. In some cases, this can mean rerouting stormwater away from the foundation.
Shifting in foundations is a common problem and is caused by a number of things. It can be the result of natural environmental factors, including climate change and extreme weather, but it can also be caused by poor construction techniques, soil erosion, or changes in moisture levels.
When a home’s foundation shifts, it can create gaps and openings in the walls that allow air to escape the house. This can cause drafts and lead to higher energy bills. Repairing the foundation will close these gaps and make the house more comfortable to live in.
Another sign of shifting is horizontal cracks in the foundation walls. These may appear as stair-step cracks in poured concrete or in wide cracks in block foundations. Horizontal cracks are a serious warning sign and should be addressed immediately. If the cracks continue to grow, it’s likely that the foundation is continuing to shift and should be repaired immediately.
Some homeowners mistakenly believe that hairline cracks in the foundation are normal and will go away on their own, but this is not the case. Hairline cracks are usually harmless, but should be monitored over time to see if they continue to grow. If they do, it’s important to get them fixed as soon as possible to prevent further damage and ensure that the structure is safe.
In some cases, the shifts in a foundation can be so severe that the structure starts to sink into the ground. This is known as differential settlement and can be very dangerous for the structure and the inhabitants. In these situations, it’s essential to use a professional foundation repair company to address the issue as quickly and safely as possible.
Differential settlement can be repaired by installing helical piers under the foundation. These piers are designed to lift the foundation back into place and provide support for the entire structure. It’s also important to repair any issues that led to the shifting in the first place. For example, if the foundation has settled because of erosion-prone soil or improper site preparation, compacting the soil will prevent further movement.
Structural issues
Foundation issues often go unnoticed until they’ve reached a critical stage. It’s important to recognize the early warning signs so that the problems can be resolved promptly. A sagging floor, hairline cracks in walls, and even soil movement can all be indicative of structural damage that needs to be addressed immediately.
Uneven floors are a major sign of foundation problems. These unevennesses are caused by settlement and can result in gaps between the foundation and the floor or ceiling. These gaps can lead to mold growth, which poses a health risk for occupants and impacts the functionality of the building.
If you notice your floors are sagging or feel bouncy, it’s vital to get them checked out by a professional. Uneven floors can also be a sign of foundation problems like shifting or heaving, which are typically the result of poor drainage and soft soil conditions.
Hairline cracks in walls are also an indicator of structural problems, but they can be difficult to spot if you’re not looking for them. These thin cracks usually start in the corners of rooms or near windows and doors, and they can grow longer as the foundation moves. The slant of the cracks can indicate which direction the foundation is moving. Bowing or leaning walls are another serious issue that requires immediate attention. These issues can be the result of lateral pressure from soil, hydrostatic pressure from water, or even the weight of heavy objects such as cars and trucks.